my story
I originally started my journey as a journalist, travelling the world to listen to and tell other people's stories. I later transitioned into international humanitarian aid and after a decade working in international conflict and complex emergencies, life called me toward a new path. When my son was born, I soon learned that he is differently wired and this started a journey into new territory: neurodivergence. And it was through him (and my not quite normative story of motherhood) that a few years later, I encountered my own giftedness.
The discovery of my different cognitive make-up and sensory processing, gifted me with the chance to change the masked narrative that I had been telling myself (about myself) for all those years and to finally embrace the possibility of reconciling with my different wiring and the wounded trauma parts that revolted in my body and soul from being exiled. As I began to integrate my giftedness and started healing from complex trauma, I not only learned to comfortably own my story and get creative with it, my narrative simultaneously offered me my calling.
My heartfelt passion now is to accompany others who are on their giftedness discovery and integration journey. I believe that we are all made up of stories and that our differently-wired story matters deeply!
Besides a Master's degree in international journalism, I hold a formal education in crisis- and executive coaching and extensive training as a giftedness integration coach and giftedness assessor with InterGifted. I am in the process of becoming a certified Root Cause Therapist (a trauma healing practice that uses regression and progression formulas which allow the completion of unprocessed emotions) and have been studying the healing intelligence of plants for many years now. I continuously deepen my studies in Internal Family Systems, different aspects of energy psychology and the story-medicine of dreams.

Your differently-wired story matters deeply to me! My work's focus is your unique cognitive make-up and helping you live and grow your gifted story. Let's connect to see how we bring about the magic!